It is with a heavy heart and sole that we announce Heeling Sole will be TEMPORARILY closed for the next 4 weeks, starting today, 3/16/2020 through 4/13/2020

We’ve been cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting like crazy…

…but the difficult decision to close our doors, for the time being, has been made for us. Even though our catchphrase is “We can HEEL that,” apparently we can’t Heel this.

Due to various concerns about the transmission of COVID-19 and growing concerns regarding the groups at risk of serious complications due to the virus, governing bodies (including our Massage Liability Insurance provider) and leaders within the massage industry are now starting to say that the best course of action for massage businesses is to close their doors for the next 4 weeks. As we have stated in previous social media posts, this is the call we were waiting for – we needed an official statement from our professional leadership so that we are compliant with the industry standard.

We have already contacted this week’s clients, and we will be contacting all other clients scheduled between now and April 6 to cancel their appointments. We will be sending an email later today to touch base with our regularly scheduled members and address what this means for their memberships. Please keep an eye on your inbox and on our social media pages for further updates as we figure everything out and weather through this tough period, together.

We will let you know at the 3-week mark, April 6th, what’s advised of our industry, and how we’ll proceed from there.

In case you didn’t know, this is a particularly scary time for massage therapists. Not only do we touch people all day every day for a living, but we also have no option to work from home. That means when we’re not working, we’re not getting paid. If you love our Sasquatches and want to help support us through this crisis, we would like to remind you that we have gift cards available for purchase online HERE– with no physical contact required. Let’s be real, you’re probably going to need a massage (or several) come the end of all this anyway! Once we re-open, you can redeem your gift cards and saved-up membership massages to get underfoot with our team.

We’ll be eager to get back to work as soon as it is safe for everyone!

Please follow us on our Facebook and/or Instagram channels to be in the loop of any deals we may be able to offer, any online info sessions or online classes that Jeni and the team can whip up, and of course, our continued bad puns and Sasquatch jokes!!

Thank you so much, everyone.
We appreciate you not just as clients, but as humans.
Keep those hands and feet clean and do what’s needed to help prevent the spread of this virus…
~Jeni Spring and the Sasquatch Staff @ Heeling Sole Barefoot Massage
wash your hands during covid-19