Our Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott has called for all massage therapists to stay at home through 4/30/2020

Here’s an update from the Bosslady,  Jeni Spring:

(You can read our original post about temporarily closing through April 13th here.)

IF YOU HAD AN APPOINTMENT SCHEDULED DURING APRIL: We are leaving your appointment “as-is” on our books so that we can see who we missed while temporarily closed. You’ll have 1st dibs at rebooking, and we aren’t going to charge you for any appointments that are on the books while we are closed, of course.  I’d like to have everything laid out simply when we re-open so that I can show the books to any insurance claims as needed, so they see what we missed out on.

In case you didn’t know, this is a particularly scary time for massage therapists. Not only do we touch people all day every day for a living, but we also have no option to work from home. We are being called “Non-Essential” which is a swift kick in the pants to our views on where we feel massage therapy stands within the Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Health Care realms. Although we agree that it’s important to #FlattenTheCurve and save important supplies like face masks for the hospitals, the massage industry is struggling with our identities right now, especially when we see our Chiropractor, Acupuncture and Physical Therapy colleagues still at work.  It’s frustrating, that’s for sure, but WE WILL BE BACK!!

We’ll be eager to get back to work as soon as it is safe for everyone!

Please follow us on our Facebook and/or Instagram channels to be in the loop of any deals we may be able to offer, any online info sessions or online classes that Jeni and the team can whip up, and of course, our continued bad puns and Sasquatch jokes!!

Thank you so much, everyone.
We appreciate you not just as clients, but as humans.
Keep those hands and feet clean and do what’s needed to help prevent the spread of this virus…
~Jeni Spring and the Sasquatch Staff @ Heeling Sole Barefoot Massage